Thursday, February 14, 2008

How to Succeed in Business

With apologies to you Utah kids, Texas hit the mid 60's today. "Luvlee wesair we ar aveeng..." even Inspector Clouzeau would approve! I know Matt's bare feet don't even come close in adorableness to smiles of Audrey and Ryan, but he's the only kid I have left at home to take photos of! Speaking of Matt, it's that time during the school year when we figure out his schedule of classes for next year, when he will go on to Plano Senior High School. Our conversations with him have not followed the previous pattern experienced with the rest of you kids. No. It appears that we now must consider a few new ideas about what preparation he will need in order to work hard and compete in the coorperate world of the future. Matt, you only need to study physics, in order to hone your estimating skills and assess how much force will be needed to blast a marshmallow through its trajectory across the office bullpen to hit your co-worker in the side of the face. Don't bother filling your mind with formulas and theories, when all you'll need is an understanding of the physics of balance and motion in order to propel the office drink cart from one end of the floor to the other. It would also be a good idea to learn a little bit about psychology in order to out-prank your fellow employees when they try to hide your cell phone in the ceiling or when they stick donuts on the windshield wipers of your car in the snow. It will take a fine education to prepare you for the challenges you will face out there in the real world. It's a good thing we have invested so much money in our children's education all these years!


brookie said...

Sounds like you finally figured it all out, just in time for the last Willardson kid. At least Matt will succeed in business. And by the way, Matt is NOT your only kid here that you can take pictures of!!! You have your grand-puppy Whop and his awesome parents!

Kate and Robbie said...

Hi Aunt Laurie! Its Kate here!I am so proud that you are a blogger. I am new to this as well! Im proud that a Mom is doing this, as I realized just how computer retarded my own mother is with the computer. The other day I was helping her find something on google over the phone and she could figure out what was wrong. When I asked her what she was doing, she said she keeps pressing the screen to where she wants to go, but the arrow wont move. I then introduced her the the "mouse". You are far ahead of most!

jenny said...

Hahaha Nice. You forgot to mention my job this summer...where I had to eat a balanced diet of Martha salmon and cream puffs at the office.

ww said...

And my job where, according to Jenny, all I have to do is take the kids to Balboa and the Shake Shack. ;-) Nice toes, Mattie!